“A letter to the people" (pointing out Fascism where it stands.)

Is Daily Kos is the number one Liberal site? If so why is fascism practiced amongst its members?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

How to Handle the Right-Wing Propagandist

I started in a great mood today. The weather was lousy, instead of waking up refreshed, I was still groggy, and my coffeepot broke. Incase of emergency, and out-of-town trips I have a 4 cup pot. So I climb in my car and hit the power button on the radio, Read on.>>>

And there’s Mr. Quinn, and he’s playing the John Kerry speech, over and over again, except it is 10 second sound bites. First let me say that my radio was on that station because of Ellis Cannon, he is their sports guy in the evening, and I like his view on Pittsburgh sports.(Go Penns) Sorry about that. Anyway, I am listening to this and noticed that with out saying anything about it, he slipped in Kerry in 1971, testifying in front of congress about the atrocities in Vietnam. If that wasn’t bad enough it the clip about the rapes, and mutilation that he saw in Vietnam.

Now here is the part that proves how hypocritical these assholes are. They are saying that they think their base is plen--ty smart, and yet they are depending on them to be stupid enough to think that during the speech in California, Kerry said that soldiers were seen cutting off fingers and ears.

This is ‘not’ a should Kerry apologize, or shouldn’t he diary. (He should not by the way!) It is a how the “Right-Wing Propaganda Machine” works, and how to take them down. Here is the first thing I feel we should do.
1. Stop their propagandist.
A. Rush Limp-balls, Sean Hannity, and the like, flood their phone banks. There are programs out there; the republicans used them to disenfranchise voters in 2000, and in 2004. Just find a Tele-Marketer that will do this.

2. If that fails then we go to Plan B. Jam the airwaves.
B. Hell, they did it in in New Orleans during Katrina.

3. If that doesn’t stop them, storm the stations. That does right take them over. By this time, it would be the only way to shut them up.
C. Hey it worked in promoting Rock -n- Roll. Of course, you need to be prepared to miss a few years of work, and only see the wife and kid on visiting day.

Of course you know the above suggestions are a “SNARK”, just so the Bush people know that, before they come and kick my door down, and say that I am an enemy combatant, and haul me away to Gitmo, where I will stay for the rest of my life, because there is no Habeas Corpus reviews, and we all know that if you keep them there until they die, they can’t tell anyone. Dead Men Tell No Tells.

What was and is needed’ is to stage an e-mail blitz. Then, jam their websites, hit it so hard that the severe cannot handle the load. The one draw back to that is, the sponsors get a lot of exposure, and the site makes money. We need to stop this there are still people that are buying this bullshit. It is well known that The White House is feeding these people the talking point, I mean when the Resident calls the Right-Wing Pundits to the White House, it’s not for tea.

If any of you have an idea on how we can silence these Mouthpieces let me know. It has to be done because you know, after November 7th it will be even worse leading up to the “08” elections. (Especially with a democratic led legislature.) There will be no stopping there hate speech. Just look at what they are doing, and it only poll results.


Friday, October 27, 2006

Now Who's Living In LA-LA Land

Living in their own little version of Shangri-La, the Republican leaders are at it again, which this time I hope is a good thing. Read on.>>>


Yesterday Bill Frist, told republican incumbents not to sweat the Iraq war.

"The challenge is to get Americans to focus on pocketbook issues, and not on the Iraq and terror issue," Frist said in an interview with the Concord Monitor on Tuesday.

Frist’s plan is something that could possibly work in favor of the Democrats, and here’s why.

When an average Joe gets home from work, he goes over and hits the remote control, usually to catch the local news. He is interested in the weather, and sports reports. {Not in that order but, that’s the way they are set to air on most channels.} As he is getting situated in his favorite chair, the business report is on, and they are tossing phrases around like, record highs, and up so many points above yesterday, and it sounds pretty good. But to Joe, what they are saying the market is doing conflicts with what is going on in his life.

You see Joe has a second mortgage to pay, Because his daughter was in the hospital for a month last year with a kidney infection, and it nearly broke him and his wife. Then there is the personal loan that he took out to pay for the new roof and gutters put on last spring. Then there‘s Joes truck, you know the one, it‘s one more missed payment away from being repossessed. Now the creditors are ringing the phone off the wall because the credit cards got maxed out, because little Joe got sick last year and Joe has no health insurance, and it was the only way that he could think of to pay for it.

Now while Joe is waiting on the sports, a campaign commercial comes on and it is Rick Santorum telling him that under his watch the economy is doing great, and he helped get more jobs created. Joe now is about to toss a glass through the screen, but that would be another expense.

As Joe settles back in his chair, a segment comes on with the Resident-Evil saying that we are winning the war in Iraq. But that’s strange in an earlier story Joe was told that last month was the deadliest month in Iraq. Looking bewildered, Joe wonders which is it? The one thing Joe knows for sure it that, they just buried his buddy’s kid that joined the reserves four years ago. He was 3 months from getting out when he was called back.

People like Joe don’t care about the Mark Folly scandal. Yea it makes for some good jokes like the one Joe heard on the jobsite. “Why was Mark Folly at Wal-Mart? Because he heard boys pants are half off.” So I say, go ahead and let the republicans talk about the economy and how good it is, because people like Joe know where it is really at.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Happy Fun Camps

Is it just a sign of the times or a view of things to come? Is it just a coincidence or a well thought out plan? I personally believe that in both cases it is the latter. Read on. >>>

For awhile now I was wondering how and if the government would use the FEMA camps that have been and are being built, and now I think I know how. I wondered if I and those who had the same thoughts I did, were just paranoid. But with the Iraq war in the deadliest month ever, and the congress and senate bowing to the residents every whim, I believe we are not that paranoid.

Last week the legislature handed almost Abslute power to Bush, and any leader that comes after him, by passing the Military Commissions Act of 2006. To read the actual report go here,Actual Bill. If you don’t think that it was Absolute power, read the act or go Here and see what one law professor has to say about it.

As the Professor states in the video, the announcement of the Military Commissions Act of 2006 was done in such a way, and at such a time that there was a collective yawn across the country. A truly sad comment of the people of this country, and what they have become in this our less than finest hour.

Just the other day, I was talking to a lady in my hometown that I had gone to high school with. The topic was the up coming elections, and what type of impact a Democrat over of power would have. She started telling me that if the democrats regain control that we would see higher taxes and a rescission because they promised to raise the minimum wage. I explained that rolling back the tax cuts on those who make over two hundred thousand dollars a year, is not a tax hike, and raising the minimum wage would not be the cause of a rescission. I also went on to explain that in those states that went a raised the minimum wage on their own their economies did better than the national average. When I ask her about Bush doing away with Habeas Corpus, she looked at me with a blank stare. Well at that point I new I had my work cutout for me.

As I started to explain what Habeas Corpus was her cell phone rang, she gave me the universal sign for wait a minute,(index finger pointing straight up) I turned the other way, as not to appear to be listening to the call. After she completed the call, she said she had to get going. But what she said next made me realize she had no clue what I was talking about. She said that she agreed with Quinn, in that if the democrats take over power the future looks bleak for our children. With that she climbed in her car and waved as she drove away. I really was upset that I didn’t get the chance to finish, but it would not have mattered, and I am sure I would not have swayed her opinion, you see her husband, (also a friend of mine) is the owner of a multi-million dollar construction company her in the area.

Camp Renovation and Building New Ones

A while back, I wrote a few diaries on the contracts handed out for the refurbishing of military bases that were shut down over the years, and the fact that this was being done by Halliburton and some of its subsidiaries. The articles I quoted, said that these bases were to be used for FEMA detainment centers. I was call crazy and a tinfoil wearing fool. What really hurt was that was just my wife. (Bad Joke). Well the subject has raised its ugly head once again.

Earlier this summer I posted pictures that I took at a rest area outside of Morgantown West Virginia. They are of a prison that has been completed of over 2 years and still nothing is being done with it. I admit the shots are far away, but that was as close as I could get to the facility. I do plan on going back and getting closer the site, and photographing, and videoing it. After doing some searching I think I have found away to get close to the facility. There is only one access road.

Anyway, in light of the latest events, it is more important now than ever to find out just what is going on in this country and what the plans are for these camps, prisons, or happy fun centers, or what ever they are. Hopefully before it is too late.


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About Me

I am the guy that's been telling the world that this day would come. Although I was hoping it wouldn't be this soon.